Monday, March 14, 2011

Thank You For In Laws Poem

: The idea that God is a hypothesis rather than a truism / Astronomer, French physicist and mathematician

Archivo:Pierre-Simon Laplace.jpg

Pierre-Simon Laplace (Beaumont-en-Auge, 1749 - Paris, 1827)

Astronomer, French physicist and mathematician. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

When Newton explained the motion of the planets using the theory of universal gravitation, no longer required that angels push the planets. When Pierre-Simon, Marquis de Laplace proposed to explain the origin of the solar system, but not the origin of matter, "also by physical laws, the need for a god to the origin of things began to be deeply questioned. It says that Laplace presented an edit of his mathematical work Mecanique celeste Napoleon on board the boat across the Mediterranean would take him to Egypt, during his famous expedition from 1798 to 1799. A few days later, according to the same version, Napoleon complained to Laplace that the text makes no reference to God. Laplace's response was: "Lord, do not need that hypothesis." The idea that God is a hypothesis rather than an obvious truth is, in general, a modern idea in the West, although it was discussed seriously and crookedly by the Ionian philosophers 2400 years ago.

Carl Sagan

Broca's Brain

Carl Sagan Planetary Society.JPG

Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996)

American astronomer and science writer. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

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