Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Anne Boleyn: Her ghost walks quietly through the gardens and patios reviving scenes of his happiest moments / Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England

Archivo:Anne boleyn.jpg

Anne Boleyn painted by an unknown artist (1533-1536).

Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England, first Marquis of Pembroke. Your date of birth used to be set in 1507, but the most modern historians date back to 1501. Anne was the second wife of King Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth I. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

File:King Henry and Anne Boleyn Deer shooting in Windsor Forest.jpg

A painting from the early 20. Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. ►

Image taken From Wikipedia

The royalty is well represented among the British ghosts. And many kings and queens seem unable to rest in their graves. One who is most commonly seen is the ghost of the tragic Anne Boleyn, wife of Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth I.


Anne Boleyn. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

Ana's inability to give birth to a son, brought a sudden end to his reign and his life. For Henry VIII could move into its next wife, the beautiful young Anne was imprisoned in the infamous Tower of London. Charges were filed against it invented adultery, witchcraft and treason.

Archivo:Anne Boleyn London Tower.jpg

Anne Boleyn at the Tower of London, 1835. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

And in 1536, Anne Boleyn was beheaded. Since then, his ghost has been seen in five of the places where he lived, including the last, the Tower of London. There, the traditional guardians of the tower have been under different guises. Sometimes it appears as a shining light. More often, the spectral figure seen walking through the halls of the castle.


Thumbnail of Anne Boleyn by artist George S. Stuart. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

But the most spectacular of all is when it materializes as a figure glides and carrying his head under his arm. This disturbing scene is one of the most famous images in the places round.

The ghost of Anne Boleyn is also seen in several other places. It is said that round his childhood home in Blickling Hall. As well as their favorite royal palace. In these places, his ghost appears to be calmer. Are rarely seen in this way without a head. Instead, his ghost walks quietly through the gardens and patios, reliving the scenes of his happiest moments.

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