Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Lycaon, king of Arcadia: Where During a banquet offered to Zeus in the form of a child's lunch box, aroused the wrath of God / Greek Mythology / Homofagia and lycanthropy

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Lycaon became a Wolf (1509)

(Recorded by Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617) for Metamorphoses of Ovid.)

In Greek mythology Lycaon was a king of Arcadia, the son of Pelasgus (the happened) and Melibea, Cilene or Deyanira. Other versions do son of Titan and Earth. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

A Lycaon, king of Arcadia, it can be considered as the prototype of a werewolf, vampire cousin. When in the course of a feast offered to Zeus in the form of a child's lunch box, draws the wrath of God, who turns into a wolf. This evokes the myth of Arcadia practical.These homofagia, banquet ritual during which participants receive communion eating, each one a piece of a victim sacrificed in honor of Zeus.

Jean Marigny

The awakening of the vampire

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Publius Ovidius Naso (43 BC - 17 AD), Roman poet. best known for Metamorphoses, a work in verse in which mythological tales collected from all over the Greek world on and adopted by the Latin culture of his time. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

Lycaon was a king and religious worship, much loved by his people, which helped to give the wildlife that had been until then.

Archivo: Lycosoura-6.jpg

Licosura was a city of Arcadia, famous for being the oldest city of Greece. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

Licosura founded the city, one of the oldest in Greece, and she erected an altar to Zeus Licio. But his passionate piety led him to make human sacrifices, which later degenerated into metamorphosis. Ovid says it reached the point of sacrificing all foreigners who came to her home, violating the sacred law of hospitality.


Bust of Zeus found at Otricoli (Sala Rotonda, Museo Pio- Clementino, Vatican )

In Greek mythology, Zeus is the "father of gods and men", who ruled the gods of Mount Olympus as a father to a family so even those who were not their natural children addressed him as such.

Image taken (and modified): Wikipedia

Aware of this aberration, Zeus posing as a pilgrim and stayed in his palace. Lycaon was prepared to assassinate him, but warned by some divine signs, wanted to make sure before the host was not a god, as claimed by his fearful subjects. To cook the meat made it one of their victims or a slave, and served it to Zeus. He was furious and turned Lycaon into a wolf, the palace on fire after he had witnessed so much cruelty.


Zeus, who disguised himself as an old beggar and went to the palace of the Lycaonian

(Bust of Zeus in the British Museum) ►

Image taken (and modified): Wikipedia

Lycaon the father of a numerous offspring (some authors claim that came to fifty), taken with different women. Lycaon's sons were known for their insolence and impiety, and his crimes came to the attention of Zeus, who disguised himself as an old beggar and went to the palace of the Lycaonian to see if the rumors were true.


Zeus turned them all into wolves. ►

Image taken (and modified): Wikipedia

The young princes had the audacity to murder his own brother Níctimo and guts to serve their guests mingled with the animals. Zeus discovered the deception and became infuriated everyone in wolves, the lightning glared or forced into exile for ever, the reports said. After Níctimo back to life, who succeeded his father in the realm of Arcadia.

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Deucalion and Pyrrha. Engraving Virgil Solis for Ovid's Metamorphoses .

When Zeus decided to end the Bronze Age to the Great D rain, Deucalion, by the advice of Prometheus , built an ark and, having within it all necessary, he embarked on company Pyrrha. Zeus falling from the sky was heavy rain and flooded most of the Hellas, so that only the few who escaped fled to the nearby mountain peaks.

Image taken from: Wikipedia

According to Apollodorus, was in the reign of Níctimo when there was the flood of Deucalion, caused precisely by the anger that led to Zeus the wickedness of the sons of Lycaon.

Zeus_fulminó con un rayo a los asesinos

Zeus glared at all with lightning. ►

Image taken (and modified): Wikipedia

S uid offers another version of the story, that Lycaon had extended to his people became more devout, the rumor that Zeus would often visit incognito. To check their children had been killed by a child and mixed their flesh with the horse ready for slaughter the god, who glared lightning the murderers. That was when Lycaon, innocent, instituted the Lupercalia. ►

Source: Wikipedia

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