Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Make An Exhaust For An Lt1

: after two and a half meteors were observed early extraordinary brightness / Geographer, German naturalist and explorer


Alexander von Humboldt (Berlin, Germany, 1769 - 1859) Geographer, German naturalist and explorer, linguist and younger brother of Wilhelm von Humboldt minister.

(Alexander von Humboldt, painted by Joseph Stieler, 1843) ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

The modern scientific interest in meteors increased thanks to the following account of the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt, in Camana, Venezuela, for the night of November 11, 1799.

Archivo:Venezuela (orthographic projection).svg

Venezuela. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

"Just after half past two in the morning bright meteors were observed in the direction extraordinary East. M. Bonpland, who had risen to enjoy the fresh air, was the first watch. Thousands of meteors and shooting stars unfolded over a period of four hours ... Since the first appearance of the phenomenon in the sky was not an extension space equal to three diameters of the Moon that is not constantly filled fireballs and shooting stars ... "

Archivo:Alexandre humboldt.jpg

Alexander von Humboldt, 1806. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

"All these bright meteors leaving traces of five to ten ... longitude, the phosphorescence of these trails or light bands lasted seven or eight seconds. Many of the shooting stars had a clear heart as big as Jupiter's disk, which flew sparks of bright light ... The light of these meteors was white, not red ... The phenomenon began to gradually cease after four, and the meteors and shooting stars were less frequent, but still we distinguished some northeast by white light and the speed of their movements quarter of an hour after sunrise. "

Alexander von Humboldt

Carl Sagan Planetary Society.JPG

Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996)

American astronomer and science writer. ►

Image taken from: Wikipedia

Humboldt found that many observers, including some in Europe, had seen the same wonder that night, and came to the conclusion that a meteor shower was a phenomenon that took place over a wide area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's surface at high altitude in the atmosphere.

Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan


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