semilingualism and second-class citizens
The known cases of children Ibiza and Valencia, students, public school system English who are prevented examined in their native language (English, official nationwide), are evidence of an unusual phenomenon in Europe, which only occurs in the Faeroe Islands and in bilingual regions of Spain. It is only the visible tip of an iceberg that has long opened a leak in the ship of equality.
Since the late seventies (and it has rained), Canadian J. Cummins, an international authority on learning of languages, has emphasized what he calls interdependence theory. According to Cummins, proficiency in a second language is largely proportional to the competence acquired in the mother tongue which is essential and indispensable factor for the acquisition of language skills in general and, therefore, to achieve intellectual achievements, whether academic or professional performance. Cummins defines its threshold theory different types of bilingualism: semilingualism with a poor level in both languages, bilingualism is dominated by one of the two languages \u200b\u200band additive bilingualism, with high levels of both. Faced with the subsequent acquisition of native language literacy and second language (and third), according to this body of theory lead to a desirable additive bilingualism, language immersion in the mother tongue semilingualism would direct cause, ie a poor acquisition of two languages \u200b\u200b(whether imposed by the educational system as the mother) and, therefore, a reduction of the powers of abstraction and problem solving with implications negative for school success and a mature personality.
Language immersion children do not speak Catalan in Galicia, Basque Country, Navarra, Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands has therefore implications beyond the question of identity, a question which, of course, but anyone interested politicians have made her flag and livelihood. Added to other factors common to the rest of the English educational system, dipping deep into the poor quality of education because it puts political goals totes (the promotion of a language or allegedly own identity) to the objectives that should be the priority of the education system (to ensure dense and critical education: educating citizens). Also unfair because it violates individual liberty, the immersion is therefore profoundly inadequate with regard to the purposes of education. Due to the immersion, as evidenced by national and international reports, the significant decline in academic standards of universities such as galloping or reduction UIB competitiveness of regions like Catalonia or traditionally vibrant Basque Country, several generations of English have seen their professional qualifications (the real one, not reflected in the certificates issued by the system), their employability and their ability to criticize the political system and access to consumer goods. Are second-class citizens, just the thing for those politicians who have promoted this state of affairs and that, however, their offspring enrolled in private schools where they can choose the language of instruction. Second-class citizens on the other hand shaping a country less competitive and less worked, burned to the economic crisis that other countries manage to overcome more easily. Neither
immersion advocate radical PSOE and its partners nor the invention trilingual PP Feijoo and solve this problem. From UPyD appeal to common sense: do not want semilingual citizens or semi-free, nor semiinstruidos. We want first-class citizens and our effort will be aimed at ensuring freedom of choice of language used in teaching their children. It is our commitment from our foundation and take you to the institutions with the confidence of citizens. Digital Journalist .
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