A lack of rigor or bad faith?
is not the first time Guillem Rosselló concerning our formation in negative terms. Attesting that accept UPyD criticism willingly-we are a party essentially critical and aspire to a critical vote, "but we are also pleased to see hiciese criticism about what actually say and not what some buccaneers of the opinion that we prefer to invent. And above all, always on the same arguments, it is frankly difficult to defend when one columnist, "Mr. Rossello, without going any further, accusing us a day to be a communist party and the next to be the extreme right. Complicated.
In his recent article "Rosa Díez or biased view of Spain and democracy" ( Last Time , 11/09/1927), attacks UPyD attributing uncertainty: "After reading and reflecting [ sic], one can not define whether Rosa Díez is on the left, the PSOE which arose, or the right of trying to nurture." I will gladly answer: UPyD is not left nor right, but cross. In our liberal and social-military party concerned about sectarian and anti-democratic drift of our country, derived from the same writings that Mr. Rosselló are proof. Ya, I know a little sidetracked sometimes vote with the PP and others with the Galician Nationalist Bloc, but is that we do we like to listen to everybody without preconceptions. Our unforgivable peculiarity is that citizens feel able to think for themselves and choose depending on the offer, and not sectarian slogans. It is normal that Mr. Rosselló not clear, or maybe it is that neither read nor thought as he says he did.
According to columnist, Rosa Díez feeds "hatred of autonomy" and is a "pre-constitutional leader" who "says that all state power should be in Madrid." No wonder you look like a "biased view of Spain": I, too, it would seem. But, look, since its founding manifesto (2007), has defended UPyD improving the state of autonomous and, in particular from the paper policy adopted in our First Congress on 21 November, we define our model of state and cooperative federalism, decentralization so dear that we are the only national party that defends federalism in Spain. Very different thing is that, as she might like Mr. Rosselló, cuestionásemos the unity of the nation, but no: for us the unity of Spain is unquestionable, and federalism, only the best way to secure, through a catalog of powers constitutionally closed to list what skills are among the autonomous communities of all alike, and which the State, so that no unfortunate combination of a central government with no sense of status and certain premises unfair, as happens today, you can put each year's competition and solidarity on the table in exchange, for example, voting for budgets. But our federalism declared it does not matter to Mr. Rosselló, who speaks of a "rancid nationalism" he recalls, could not be otherwise, the Franco regime and its "cultural genocide" [ sic] and "another fascism : the single party or the medieval kingdoms of those in which only the nobles had the word. " No comments.
What about at such laxity? It occurs to me: that Mr. Rosselló one of the most glaring examples of junk journalism that I have news in recent years. The service is not clear whether their own sectarianism and ignorance or, conversely, of someone very interested in UPyD unsuccessful, each of its lines is a lie or is born of ignorance of the reality that says comment . Assumptions either disqualifies him as a journalist, and certainly certifies the mortally afraid that some political sectors begin to experience in the Balearics since a citizen and as a progressive option is to UPyD threatens to shift the balance of forces in local politics. Courage, Mr. Rosselló, keep doing this you call your opinion. Maybe you prefer continue to rely on the honesty and progressive political parties such as UM, PP or PSIB, which certainly does not seem stale or Franco or genocide ... If one judges left standing after this term. Be encouraged that we so afraid. Last Time. Digital Journalist.
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