Monday, September 7, 2009

Preserve At Jordan Lake Wedding

How to make life impossible for the city

According to the plans of City Hall, the Avenida Palma Picasso has been impassable. They have done. In an area where the mounds of schools, parents shopping child or who want to take a child out of hand will find it difficult to pass on the sidewalk, as well as a couple who want to go hand in hand, because they will not fit. No you can park on double row school time, as was done with the understanding of the local police, or you can park in any way in several tranches, for all this, hundreds of families will suffer unbearable conditions. The bike path crosses three feet of the infant children out of San Cayetano, in obvious danger. The mass of healthy trees destroyed by these so-called environmentalists have been enormous, not to mention that the tiny tree pits that allegedly host the vegetation that has to replace virtually uprooted trees invade the bike path on one side and roadway on the other, by what maintenance has to be very frequent and exhaustive so that will not obstruct traffic. Picasso is, finally, via priority access for Son Dureta and the fire station Taulera Sa, not the first time a guard for her traffic court to pass an ambulance with emergency ... Now, at certain points will be impossible to withdraw.

Mayor radical socialist and his partners believe they can change the habits of hundreds of thousands of people to his will. They are the ones who know how to move the Palma citizens of Palma and therefore we impose it without consulting anyone. In the neighborhood said the neighborhood association is weak and nobody has complained too high, and if he had complained some neighborhood association, the City would have acted as it did on other occasions: instead of parliament, would have promoted (how is) a partnership related to or have removed the opposition paid media advertising, as it did before undertaking the destruction of the street Blanquerna. Citizens should know the so-called shoddy reporting that the City documents these works, no-bid charge to companies that pay big bucks to try to give a technical polish their efforts, duplicating functions for which the City has numerous staff officers ...

Someday we will have to pass the bill for these excesses. Because no one denies that the bicycle lane in the abstract is an appealing idea, the trouble is want to impose it where it is not feasible, at the expense of existing vegetation, but there is little potential users but certainly hurting thousands of pedestrians or drivers and, ultimately, creating more problems than it solves. Unlike Amsterdam or Copenhagen, Palma is a city where there are few cyclists, because there are outstanding bonded by heat and humidity and people can not get to work with clothes soaked in sweat after throwing up the lights up and down some slopes. But above all, people really appreciate that the City consulted to road users which aims to modify. Politicians seek consensus solutions to fit reality to improve, the enlightened, however, have their own idea of \u200b\u200bhow it should be the reality: what is going to think about just how and how its residents want it, if in addition they are ignorant and probably all right-wing? That's right: if someone says he has seen cycling Aina Calvo morning at City Hall, I invite you a beer ... Digital Journalist. Last Minute .


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