Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 Month Old Dry Coughing

The Spain Councilman Singer

[by Juan Luis Calbarro and Julian Ruiz-Bravo]
Simon Ward in his book Chester. A History that in 1849 the Rev. William Massie founded in this northern English city of Architectural Society, Archaeological and Historical. In addition to collecting Roman and promote the restoration of the beautiful city's urban fabric, Massie worked to extend the membership of the organization, as well as archaeologists, architects, clergy and rigor, ladies, shopkeepers, clerks and artisans. Those citizens who understand creating a research center as an important asset to the community, financed with fees reaching an adventure today. The consequence is that Chester is now one of the best cities in the world have been worth the archaeological remains available, making them the hub of a great city planning and a better tourism policy. Chester is a thriving city thanks to the strength of its civil society.

In Spain, the association is a kind of crappy windows: an adventure that is undertaken only if there is scope to milk the public purse. What do you want to start a archaeological society? Well before nothing speaks to the council and the director of the branch as to whether the fund. What do you want to mount a neighborhood association or an NGO? We subsidies. "Unions? The State is responsible, through "courses" and grants a number ... What do you want to organize an employer? For, paradoxically in organizations that tend to brag about liberalism, also considered a government obligation to provide "aid." What to do theater? Well, the government will ask for money, in the form of scholarships, awards or grants, the author, the company, the owner of the premises, the editors and the public to go see him, because everyone assumes that culture, without public money, does not survive. What do you want to publish a newspaper? There Munir institutional advertising. What you want, in general, earn a living? In Spain we have twice as officials in Germany, even though it doubles the population of our country is a way of subsidizing the existence, even at the expense of efficiency and freedom.

The sad result is that in Spain, associations can not lead or anything worth defending, and that a good part of the business is imbued with the same spirit. Neighborhood associations and oenegés are heavily politicized, ie, they are slaves to the parties that bear the cost. Theatre and art in general (not to mention the film) are in absolute decline, because instead of following the good example Anglo persist in the error very Mediterranean in Roman patronage and praise the chief, with the majority of artists are beings well distant from the free-thinking, and sometimes even the thought. From unions what they are going to tell all who do not know English, no one believes and to defend the interests of workers, as no doubt be concerned to do if depended entirely on membership fees ... And we know that the press serves the interests of large media groups and, therefore, granted the parties that televisions, radios and institutional advertising. Special case is that of publishing in Catalan, Basque and Galician, who have given up entirely to the proceeds of their sales in return null fat subsidies because, with few exceptions, have preferred the crappy editing business in Catalan on the honor professional editing quality as if one were incompatible with the other. And especially bleeding the associations of "defense identity" as Obra Cultural Balear and other parasites that the state raise the money to fight it, with the complicity of our politicians and local autonomous all parties. Spain is inexplicable. And where you can go to Spain to stop this crazy picture? It is clear that the state should plant both our partners and European rivals. It is necessary to put a lid once and for all this terrible bottomless pit because, besides the huge expenditure which rest on the shoulders of taxpayers, has shown few additional results.

Faith in this sham of associations, whose only real effectiveness refers to the proper channeling of the perks, has much to do with religion, leave, therefore, to justify such an ocean of subsidies, quite unworthy of strong partnerships who trust in themselves, must be part of any secular approach to politics. And the bloodletting that is for pockets of taxpayers could be halted if a government without complexes take only a few findings: first, that any organization requesting grant financial autonomy previously justified beyond doubt, second, that any subsidy is limited to a percentage to study (maybe third or below, and except as determined by common sense) of the total cost of the subsidized project, thirdly, that the execution of any project funded is subject to periodic inspection (somewhat strict and not the joke Today they are often applied in regional areas and especially local) by the administration concerned; room of any subsidy is justified under the lingua franca of the project or make it a requirement for granted, just as such is not with religion or race. The huge amount of resources that would be released in Spain if he was so they would pay from government research centers and social services whose effectiveness would be higher than the vast constellation of other mediocrities oenegés and we suffer. World- Day Baleares. Digital Journalist.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Free Pet Casket Plans


Councilman Education and Celebrations of the City of Mahon, Joan Carlos Villalonga, has publicly and repeatedly insulted HRH the Infanta Elena and HM the King of Spain in a song that could well be recorded as one of the most famous monuments of the last times to stupidity and bad taste. The alleged song (he had the patience to listen and read your letter) is very bad, but mostly it's rude, coarse words for the easy laugh. The argument for injury by Villalonga and his colleague Alex Villeyra, which states co-author of the "joke" is that there is some strong desire, only joking, and that this "falls within the limits of freedom of expression ". The PSM training that belongs to the mayor and "cultural activist", demanding respect for their "creative freedom."

This will display a number of things. One, that Spain can reach any Councillor of Education. Another is that in Spain may not be publicly insulting and offense, especially if the injured belongs to the family of King and injurious to a separatist party. Third, prosecutors in Spain should have more important things to safeguard the dignity of the institutions of the nation and the right to honor people, in the same way that politicians ignore what else is that of responsibility and of the commitments made to all citizens. Finally, the sense of humor is as nationalist political discourse: aggressive and exclusive.

Although, apparently, such a record and use my creative freedom and expression in this text would authorize me to, I refuse to publicly describe the terms Villalonga ruler it deserves I think I did decorum. But: I think compulsory call boorish and irresponsible, and Mayor Mahon suggest that if you have any shame, to dismiss him. Last Minute Menorca. Digital Journalist. Reviewing

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Hairstyle Should I Get Generator

UPyD Already in 2000 were from

old correspondence with an old friend and tough debater, I found a letter on Zamora on April 17, 2000 in which my dear correspondent replied that I had accused my abstention on previous elections, in which Aznar had achieved his second term with an absolute majority. The arguments then tell my friend to warrant my resignation to vote today surprised me by now and even I have moved back a little because I live the voice of a frustrated voter-I in this case, any of the many as a decade ago repudiated the false democracy and we were convinced of the need for a game like that today embodies UPyD. Then transcribe the most significant of the paragraphs that went to my friend, without adding anything:

"Vote today in Zamora (and the rest of the districts is no different) means that, although you know that there are people far more worthy, prepared, or just nice, you'll have to settle for voting for the three caciquillos an exclusive list, lap dogs of the party leadership that it has placed in closed and blocked lists to thank the services provided and the assurance that the chambers will vote to dictation and never bother the ones in charge, despite knowing that Zamora worldwide, including a judge already issued a ruling, he knows and understands the business who have spent years making the shadow of power or putadas they have done since their companies to the public. Voting today means that only regions with sensitivities and parties who can manipulate it with de facto parliamentary representation as such regions, as well oversized for the absurd system of provincial constituencies. Voting today means that the tight control of the parliamentary groups for those who appoint its members means that the congressmen and senators do not serve the citizens but to the domes of [...]: parties representing citizens to requires the most basic constitutional theory does not exist. Voting today means that nothing will change in the political system, because to be a deputy must be pre-designated candidate, and this has to be subservient and not question too much (you know the quote classical theory in any textbook of contemporary politics: "that move does not appear in the photo" , and it is most certain). Voting today means accepting campaign designed to wasteful and primates, vote, without debate, vote not expected to have consequences. If something means to vote today, will only fuel the machines take to win votes of the parties, meet their share of power and ultimately make possible the designs of [...] those who directly or indirectly finance the parties and actually control policy since the election promises are not binding on the candidates elected and their commitment is with the citizenship. Perhaps this can be called democracy? The people's voice does not reach the courts. Voting today means to be an accomplice to the murder of Montesquieu and accept a flawed system.

"Still, I'd vote if someone [...] presented on its agenda an order to amend these services, even if not all or most of them. For a party that advocates a new electoral system that should be convened, with open lists, single constituency elections for Congress and for regional districts for the Senate, to territorial representation was genuine, and just as wide and regional election [...]; that was required by law a operation democratic parties and anything close to the primaries to choose candidates be mandatory and binding, and that election expenses were limited by law and be fully transparent. Yes vote for a party that raised a constitutional amendment to close the regional design in Spain: a fair and united federal state with powers pre-established and funding for the central and regional government, Congress and Senate for a real and shamefully not autonomous, a state, therefore, not subject to ongoing negotiation that is bleeding the treasury, impedes the progress of the nationalist tribal regions without touching the balls and Above all, avoid close once and for all a concept of Spain agreed and willingly accepted by all. A party to propose a real and not nominal separation of powers, that would not do to depend on the leadership of the party appointing the members of the Supreme Judicial Council or the Attorney General nor the members of the legislative chambers. In a game that rethink the state's relations with the Church [...]. In a match that would set its objectives at European level and not commercial, but global and United (I did not say charitable), and dignified addressed the problem of immigration. A party to question the consumerism that devours us and fouling mass phenomena yet the reprehensible that surrounds football and other sports and television [...]. [...] At a party, finally, leave the immediate electoral expediency and hypocrisy that goes with it and assume the historical mission of proclaiming the kingdom of ethics, modernizing Spain from its roots and not settle for a modern European varnish that room as soon as the economy was worse than today.

parties "[...] But, unfortunately, thrive in the party politics and I doubt that they can get traditional political hara-kiri for the democratization of the regime. I do not want a Messiah as Jesus Gil garrulous nor popular revolution it is not possible or desirable. I want a party of moderate and effective people (as are or may be actually the domes of the PSOE and PP) to renounce the electioneering and unprincipled power play and really want to jump into the political freedom of the English. What bothers me most is that we are not taking advantage of a broad freedoms, economic prosperity and political stability we have enjoyed as never to train citizens in a true democracy, develop the necessary reforms and intelligently appeal to solidarity and not charity, because we now numbs the mustachioed lullaby of sirens ( "Spain will Koha!, Spain Koha will !..." ), but when Spain goes wrong, all of a sudden we realize that this is not a true democracy and then there is no resources or patience to cope with change. "

or not it is is amazing ...? Digital Journalist.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Preserve At Jordan Lake Wedding

How to make life impossible for the city

According to the plans of City Hall, the Avenida Palma Picasso has been impassable. They have done. In an area where the mounds of schools, parents shopping child or who want to take a child out of hand will find it difficult to pass on the sidewalk, as well as a couple who want to go hand in hand, because they will not fit. No you can park on double row school time, as was done with the understanding of the local police, or you can park in any way in several tranches, for all this, hundreds of families will suffer unbearable conditions. The bike path crosses three feet of the infant children out of San Cayetano, in obvious danger. The mass of healthy trees destroyed by these so-called environmentalists have been enormous, not to mention that the tiny tree pits that allegedly host the vegetation that has to replace virtually uprooted trees invade the bike path on one side and roadway on the other, by what maintenance has to be very frequent and exhaustive so that will not obstruct traffic. Picasso is, finally, via priority access for Son Dureta and the fire station Taulera Sa, not the first time a guard for her traffic court to pass an ambulance with emergency ... Now, at certain points will be impossible to withdraw.

Mayor radical socialist and his partners believe they can change the habits of hundreds of thousands of people to his will. They are the ones who know how to move the Palma citizens of Palma and therefore we impose it without consulting anyone. In the neighborhood said the neighborhood association is weak and nobody has complained too high, and if he had complained some neighborhood association, the City would have acted as it did on other occasions: instead of parliament, would have promoted (how is) a partnership related to or have removed the opposition paid media advertising, as it did before undertaking the destruction of the street Blanquerna. Citizens should know the so-called shoddy reporting that the City documents these works, no-bid charge to companies that pay big bucks to try to give a technical polish their efforts, duplicating functions for which the City has numerous staff officers ...

Someday we will have to pass the bill for these excesses. Because no one denies that the bicycle lane in the abstract is an appealing idea, the trouble is want to impose it where it is not feasible, at the expense of existing vegetation, but there is little potential users but certainly hurting thousands of pedestrians or drivers and, ultimately, creating more problems than it solves. Unlike Amsterdam or Copenhagen, Palma is a city where there are few cyclists, because there are outstanding bonded by heat and humidity and people can not get to work with clothes soaked in sweat after throwing up the lights up and down some slopes. But above all, people really appreciate that the City consulted to road users which aims to modify. Politicians seek consensus solutions to fit reality to improve, the enlightened, however, have their own idea of \u200b\u200bhow it should be the reality: what is going to think about just how and how its residents want it, if in addition they are ignorant and probably all right-wing? That's right: if someone says he has seen cycling Aina Calvo morning at City Hall, I invite you a beer ... Digital Journalist. Last Minute .

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bearded Dragon Red Rash Behind Head

Jaume Matas medals at the crossroads

The March 12, 2007, then President of the Balearic Government, Jaume Matas, received the two medals of the Sea at the hands of an international delegation of the governing council of the World Council of Industrial and Labor Relations (CONMORIT) ...

To continue reading about this episode, comedian (?) Of the last legislature, click this link .