Saturday, February 19, 2011

Message For My Husband To Be During Wedding

UPyD in the Balearic Parliament

Surveys indicate that English citizens perceive politicians as one of its main problems. Enter the Islands Parliament, therefore, not be-and certainly not for the candidates UPyD, a goal in itself, is depleted in the subsequent allocation of ministries.

UPyD hoping to enter the Parliament to give a breath of fresh air to the Balearic policy, ending the abuses of the current political class and giving voice to what many people think but dare not say aloud to promote transparency in the political decisions to limit their discretion in awarding contracts and grants, to subject to effective control of the Trustee Accounts, to protect natural bilingualism in the Balearics off absurd impositions, to support an educational paradigm shift that enables the solution to the crisis ...

UPyD prevent the recurrence of everyday scenes in the last Parliament, the Govern paralyzed by its divisions, a budget that was too happy in 2010 extended to 2011 the accumulated debt of the Community duplicate cheating in the reduction of public enterprises ...

A legislature lost to the citizens, who thus confirmed his opinion about who should govern them and, instead, do nothing but harm. With this fresh air will enter UPyD essential in a flawed institution. The Balearic Digital. Digital Journalist.


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