Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Runes Of Magichowmount Color

Letter to a Jewish friend about the Nazis

L ***,

Thank you for your message. I do not share their goals, but I'm glad, however, that has served as a reason to return briefly in better touch with many friends Zamora.

When I say I do not share their goals'm not talking about the Palestinian conflict. I, as I suppose you, as I think everyone should be respectful of fundamental rights and freedoms, I am a convinced Zionist-naive of me-only approve the establishment of an indivisible, secular law in Palestine, where Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together regardless of their religions. And of course you do not need any powerpoint to convince the overwhelming sadness that's behind the terrible images that reach us. Palestinian conflict would be much to discuss, for example, why Israelis maintain a fence like the one held in Gaza and not in the West Bank.

Anyway, those pictures you sent me what they mean and mean no more than what they mean. I think we do a disservice to those who want and need a reasonable debate and a reasonable context for this debate broadcasting a powerpoint matching sepia photos of the thirties and forties Germans with color photos of the XXI century Gaza. Photos all denote a violent inhuman and reprehensible as it is exerted on defenseless civilians. But there is one key element that makes the comparison explicit liar of the Jewish genocide do with the Israeli occupation of Gaza and West Bank, while the extermination of German Jews was an end in itself, carried out within a system totalitarian actions through carefully planned and inspired by a racist ideology, the state repression of Israel imposed on Gaza is not intended to exterminate the Palestinians, but the defeat of terrorist militias like Hamas, or based on the exaltation of racial hatred, but in a strictly defensive strategy (is not it time to assess what means the State of Israel for self-defense, or what it means every sector of Israeli society), nor the state to repress the Palestinians is a dictatorship, but the only democracy in the Middle East, a democracy where, incidentally, every day there are demonstrations against the blockade of Gaza and against the government of Netanyahu and nothing happens, a democracy where Muslims can go to college, to benefit public health, to be members of Parliament ... The pairing of black and white photographs and color is extremely efficient from the standpoint of propaganda, but it is absolutely false and in no way help resolve the conflict. Rather I am convinced that the less informed poison, which will conclude that today the Israelis actually behave like the Germans in 1939. If that was the goal of the dissemination of these photographs paired (drag to the spirits less critical by the most thoughtless), the authors of the assembly receive my congratulations saddened.

Another element that bothers me the anti-Israeli campaign. According to the documents I've read or referred to, the sequence is as follows: some Islamists are trying to break the naval blockade of Gaza, since they have declared humanitarian intentions, they are offered a way (the port of Ashdod and a land crossing) to deliver food and other humanitarian aid so that both parties can certify, but they refuse, because in private, as well as singing in chorus the extermination of the Jews, have expressed their desire to break the lock or die as martyrs and go to paradise rights houris; unarmed Israeli soldiers boarded the ships (in international law, it is arguable that Israel has no right to do so and several internationalists have already positioned themselves for the approach) and the radicals beat up and stabbed until the soldiers pulls out and defend themselves, killing several of them continued to act triggered an international campaign against Israel in the context of which the English left is particularly combative.

And I wonder: where was the English left a few weeks ago, when Maoist terrorists killed 150 people on a train in India? Why no demonstrations? I wonder again: what was said when the English left behind some of the numerous executions of adulterers, homosexuals, Christians or democrats in Iran and other Islamic countries? Also: why the left English-the same that supported Judge Garzon's crusade against a dead dictator for thirty-five years has not ever said against the proven, effective daily and repression of the Castro regime against the most basic rights and freedoms of Cubans?

The questions are rhetorical, because I have the answer. The reason is that the English left, just like the English right and honorable exceptions-that is, it is extremely sectarian and prefers to cling to their prejudices and mythologies rather than face a reality that would divide up their deepest convictions. And so we look hair. Sectarian manipulations as I attached powerpoint serve no positive. The nuances, in which the Arab-Israeli conflict abounds, are necessary for understanding, and match one of the warring parties with the Nazi regime is less nuanced than I think.

proof that Israelis are not monsters hungry for death that yesterday Rachel Corrie was taken without shedding any blood, because, unlike the Mavi Marmara , did not travel aboard a rather radical organized to provoke confrontation. No doubt the Israelis are not going to shake his hand to defend their interests, and they will always understand that this guarantee defense, and indeed must be claimed responsibility for every crime and every abuse they commit. But comparing the Holocaust with Israel's fight against Hamas is, frankly, not telling the truth or ignore it. The State of Israel will or will not be right in their positions, but in no way comparable to the feudal hordes of Hamas and, of course, Hitler's Germany. Comparing them is lying and deprived of any right to those who do. I repeat: I never understood that the English left (as secular, as an advocate for minority rights) is very sensitive to violence collateral (if I may discredited term) engaged the Israelis in Palestine and, instead, is shown as tolerant and respectful of cultures in a non-collateral, but legal and exemplary, sealing the anus of homosexuals, stoning women for disobeying the brother who sells them and consider them unclean by menstruation, a left as critical of the walls of Gaza, and yet so inclined to Alliance of Civilizations with infamous medieval tyrants whose country is not that Christians or Jews can not go to college or to Parliament, no, is that there are because their services are prohibited, I have been killed or have fled. What strange fetish satisfied Islam to the English left, who daily forgives him a hundred times more violence than all that Israel can not forgive? Is the mark of anti-Western than it prestige in their eyes? Is that a speech so silly, so very lacking in nuance and, therefore, as harmful as aliquot and should receive some attention from us? I think not, so I will try to remain anti-Zionist, not Jewish, but not anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic, that then becomes what happens and will continue to happen, at least, several decades.

Finally, L ***, it says: a pleasure to hear from you although we disagree. A hug to you and everyone. Digital Journalist. The Balearic Lighthouse .


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