Thursday, October 15, 2009

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second demagogues lurking UPyD

Under the headline "Berlusconi to the Balearic" Mr. Miquel Payeras publishes a column (UH, 10/10/2009), which warns of the risk that, to the discredit of Zapatero for his management and politicians in general by the phenomenon of corruption and appear "anti-formations." "With the collapse of the credibility of the institutional political parties, demagogues lurking," says a crabs. According to him, the Balearic Islands would be fertile ground for "saviors" that "bewitch get enough people to head in the institutions." The "institutional political accommodation" would be responsible to create "conditions for the birth of [a Berlusconi] to the Balearic Islands." All this is embodied in the phenomenon UPyD. Mr. Paye

must belong to that privileged race of journalists with access to intuitive knowledge, for if not, is not intended to have formed such strong opinions about UPyD, since the number of times the member has addressed UPyD any contrast to his prejudices with reality is exactly zero. Do you think Mr. Paye with the right to insult the hundreds of thousands of English citizens in several elections and have put their growing confidence in Rosa Diez and his party, especially when, according to our evidence, leaving the industry far more liberal, better educated and more knowledgeable of English society?

we agree in something: the traditional politicians are responsible of the deterioration of our democracy. As differ is in the solution: who we must draw the sad state of affairs in which we find ourselves? Do those same professional politicians who lie with their easy chairs in the public waste and corruption that try to mask the complicity of all parties that Mr. Paye called "institutional" and was intended not to change anything while they can continue to milk the system? Or rather a party of volunteers from the proposed policy, for example, electoral reform and lists open, so all votes are worth the same and respond elected their engagement with the city and not to its executive, the limitation of time in the office, the direct election of mayors and person appointments as regional presidents, reform the judiciary and prosecutors to enable their independence from the parties, the education reform to forge useful citizens and skilled workers in competitive enterprises, equal rights for all English ...? Are these objectives are demagogic, are anti? Or is it rather the expression of common sense that reside in the vast majority of English and no party except UPyD had offered? Are not more harmful for the system to tolerate parties that a band of Trebizond middling which until yesterday criticized as corrupt arbitrator at will policy (to call it somehow) local, insular and autonomous reach sell what is necessary in order to remain in power and call that "good governance pact"?

Are not rather demagogues who prefer the survival of a flawed system to a civic movement to reform it to work? What Mr. Paye afraid? Why, he says, UPyD "love" to a supposedly unsuspecting voters? Is it better to buy the voting procedure by endowments and grants? "Armengol and honoring Antich not follow certain political pirates, despite all the betrayals, with undeserved dignity of partners and associates? Is not it true that the government of the Balearic Islands has two years vegetating without further influence on society and economy of the Islands and dispensable its huge waste and a sad example of how not to do things? Why big business, professional prestige, the civil society leaders, and citizens in general, privately express the enormous contempt inspires Balearic mediocre political class, devoid of ideas and scruples, with having to deal daily? "The spectacle of the Pacte parties are giving these days is in the eyes of Mr. Paye more dignified, less Berlusconi the newspaper and silent work of UPyD? Do you have to have some complex UPyD to such a scenario?

a columnist is allowed to brand UPyD or anti-populist party, for having dared to propose, with conviction, from the strictest respect for democratic principles and in line with the sensibilities of a large number of citizens, the removal of a reprehensible political caste and reform of institutions that do not work, is as well placed as I call any nag me hack columnist stooge: None. What makes sense is to discuss the ideas, not labels, and so I invite Mr. Paye to do so. But to discuss necessary that both want. Is much easier to disqualify. Last Time. Digital Journalist.


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